Your real life is hidden in Christ with God…
in the secret place of the most High…
We have already looked for a self and couldn’t find it. But maybe we won’t be totally convinced until we find our ”Real Self” in Christ. However, the problem is that our Real Self is not just another objective entity. It is no-thing.
In other words it is not anything we can conceptualize, picture or think of. (”…Your real life is hidden (!) in Christ with God” [Colossians 3:3 ESV] Then there are these scriptures…”If you will give up your (conceptual) life for me, you will find it.” [Matthew 10:39 NLT] ”Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” [Luke 17:33]
uit : ‘Non-Dual Teachings of the Bible, Galen Sharp