Hidden with Christ in God…

Hidden with Christ in God

”…God…breathed into his nostrils the breath or Spirit of Life, and man became a living soul.”

(…) Because of our dualistic way of understanding…a world of separate, pre-existing things and people apart from other things and people. Therefore, when we think of God and our self we can only, logically, see this as two separate entities. (…) This is why it is so difficult to comprehend being ”hidden with Christ in God.” While that suggests to us not one, not even two, but actually three entities – our self, Jezus, and God. However, we have forgotten we are speaking of Spirit here. Not three separate spirits. For, as we see in (Genesis 2:7 AB) ”…God…breathed into his nostrils the breath or Spirit of Life, and man became a living soul.” So Adam’s life was Gods life, God’s Spirit. Jesus, as God’s son is also of the same Spirit. Thus, we have one Spirit instead of three separate ones. Yet, not even one because Spirit is not a ”thing” or even a substance. It is sentient life. It can only be visualised phenomenally as being prior to or ”upstream” of manifestation. So it is not even one!

uit : ‘Non-Dual Teachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


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