He gave us his own being as our conscious awareness…

He gave us His own being as our conscious awareness

Word getransformeerd door de vernieuwing van de geest

He took away the penalty for sins that are prompted by the self concept and gave us His own being as our conscious awareness. When we find out what He has already done for us, we are transformed spontaneously. And, as our understanding deepens we are further transformed without effort or even thought. ”Be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind”.

[ Romans 12:2 ]

‘Non Dual Teachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


Yin en Yang…

”Ieder wezen draagt het rustende Yin
en bevat het bewegende Yang
de bemiddelende Levensadem
veroorzaakt de harmoniserende Vereniging”

PS : * een harmonisch samengaan van rust en beweging…

   * ''dring diep door in het wezen van het Koninkrijk : inspanning en rust, een samengaan van die twee''...


Yin en Yang…

Yin en Yang…

”Ieder wezen draagt het rustende Yin
en bevat het bewegende Yang
de bemiddelende Levensadem
veroorzaakt de harmoniserende Vereniging”

PS : * een harmonisch samengaan van rust en beweging…

   * ''dring diep door in het wezen van het Koninkrijk : inspanning en rust, een samengaan van die twee''...


Het is volbracht…de rekening is betaald

Het is volbracht…

De rekening is betaald…

When Jesus uttered ”it is finished” from the cross [John 19:30] he also meant any effort on your part is also finished. ‘Tetelestai’ is the Greek word for finished; a bill that has been paid in full, completed, no more effort is required of us. In fact we have no actual ability to do or not to do of our will or volition. The truth is we never did. (…) for volition is a myth.

(…) We are told to ”just try harder” and when we do we employ the concept of the ”me”, who we think we are as the ”doer”. In doing so we awaken and energize and give power to the conditioned habits engrained in the idea of ”me”. That includes all its lifelong aquired needs, longings, desires, fears, habits and hatreds
uit : ‘Non Dual Teachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


De Schat, Parel van grote waarde, Koninkrijk-in-u…

De Schat, Parel van grote waarde, Koninkrijk-in-u…

Diep verborgen in je wezen, veilig en beschermd, geheim…

”Wie is gezeten in de schuilplaats van de Allerhoogste, die vernacht in de schaduw van de Almachtige”


Een stem…

Een stem

”Ik sprak, over dit hemelveld gebogen:
‘doet gij mij zó de diepste zin verstaan?’
Een stem: ‘verstond gij reeds uw eigen ogen
waarin dit alles mag gespiegeld staan?’

laatste couplet, ‘De vlinder’, Ida Gerhardt


Jars of clay…wij zijn aarden vaten

Jars of clay…Wij zijn aarden vaten

You are my Sun and my Shield
You are my lover from the start
And the highway to Your City
Runs through my heart

Uit de song ‘’Perfect therapy’’


Being a Christian is not difficult…

Being a Christian Is not difficult…

If being a Christian seems difficult, then we have missed the main point. Unlike a philosophy or doctrine, one doesn’t have to remember rules, behavior codes or even how to apply them in a particular situation. We don’t have to know the ”practical application” of conduct or psychological guidelines or any so called ”truths” or perform any rituals. We just need to know the ”I am”.This will guide us in all truth.

uit : ‘Non Dual Teachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


Winds of Change…

Winds of Change

Winds of change blow ‘round my door
Is this the year I’ve been waiting for?
Worlds in motion endlessly
Cosmic ocean flows into my heart

Part of me would like to be
A shining lighthouse for all to see
When the dark night hides the sun
Shine a light for everyone to see
Isn’t that the way it should be…

Winds of Change, Beach Boys, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

I am in Christ…

I am in Christ

…als de vrucht van de geest zich manifesteert terwijl begrip groeiende is

”(…) the recognition of what-we-are in Christ actually transforms us in an instant and will never be lost or forgotten once clearly seen. As the real meaning of what we have glimpsed sinks into our heart and mind over the next minutes, days and years we will effortless change inwardly and probably outwardly as the fruit of the spirit manifests while understanding grows.”

uit : ‘Non Dual Teachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


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